State lawmakers must have complete trust in Florida home builders because they passed the Growth Management Bill, a bill that would remove the authority of the state to control residential development in…
Bank of America Home Loans – Among the Most Popular
Home loans from Bank of America are among the most popular in the country. BofA mortgage loans, together with those of Wells Fargo and Chase, accounted for 56 percent of all U.S….
Zillow IPO – What Does It Say about the Real Estate Market?
The real estate market must be getting exciting now because the leading online real estate firm Zillow has filed an S-1 form with the SEC for an IPO. Even its rival Trulia…
Buy a Home in a Master Planned Community in Tampa
Many homebuyers desire the lifestyle offered by master planned communities, particularly in Tampa. A master planned community has amenities and facilities that are not present in many residential subdivisions. While some subdivision…
Mortgage Loans — 14 Banks Told to Reform Practices
Fourteen mortgage banks and two mortgage-related firms were issued enforcement orders by the Federal Reserve Board and the Office of Thrift Supervision to audit their policies and practices on mortgage loans and…
Tampa Homes for Sale Topped the Florida Market in February
Existing homes for sale in Tampa were among the most sought after in Florida in February as the Tampa metro area posted the highest number of pre-owned single-family units sold during the…
Financial Help for Owners of Troubled Florida Homes
If you’re underemployed or unemployed and you’re looking for a way to lighten your mortgage load while you’re searching for a better job, then the launching of the Florida Hardest Hit Fund…
Tampa Is One of Ten Best Cities to Buy a Vacation Home
Consider Tampa when looking for a city to buy a vacation home. Leisure travel organization AAA considers Tampa as among the best vacation destinations and real estate firm Trulia points to Tampa…
Are There Alternatives to State Farm Home Insurance in Florida?
News reports on the increase in home insurance rates by State Farm Insurance in Florida prompted strong reactions from homeowners, as seen in the comment sections of news websites. State Farm Insurance…
More British Airways Flights to Tampa from London Gatwick Airport
More people in the UK must be going to Tampa because British Airways has increased its flights to Tampa from London Gatwick Airport, the second largest international airport in London and the…